[WikiEN-l] Article Landing Pages - functional prototype to test and comment on

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Sun Mar 11 09:30:45 UTC 2012

On 11 March 2012 08:56, Oliver Keyes <okeyes at wikimedia.org> wrote:

> A low barrier to contribution is not a problem. What we are trying to fix
> is the overwork of patrollers and the fact that new editors go into the
> article creation process unaware of what to expect and ignorant of policy,
> which understandably ends up leading to disappointment.
> Still not happy with this formulation. I think the sentences contradict
each other. You are trying to fix, you say,

*potential disappointment of new editors;
*overwork of patrollers.

Unless you discourage some contributors, the volume of contributions would
be the same? The nature of the contributions would not necessarily be the
same. I would certainly be leading off with "To avoid disappointment at the
outcome of our process, please take a moment ...".

But in any case what you are apparently trying is to fix is the _nature of
contributions of inexperienced editors_. There is a may/must distinction in
how you go about it, which seems to me to be key.



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