[WikiEN-l] Article Landing Pages - functional prototype to test and comment on

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Sat Mar 10 12:44:42 UTC 2012

On 10 March 2012 11:16, Oliver Keyes <okeyes at wikimedia.org> wrote:


Currently, when a registered newbie clicks on a redlink, they get
> automatically taken to an edit page where they can create the article, but
> without any context as to what is actually happening.  With the proposed
> system,  instead of seeing a blank edit window devoid of context, they'll
> see a new page that gives them various options.[3] They can create an
> article there, go through the article wizard, or go back to wherever they
> were before if they didn't mean to end up at that URL.

What sensible newbies really would need is (i) a place to draft, and (ii)
advice on drafting.

If a new editor
> tries to create the article, they'll be informed that they need a
> familiarity with policy, an absence of a COI and several references
> (amongst other things) before the tool recommends they create it.[4] If
> they don't have those things, they'll be directed to the Article Creation
> Wizard.
> I.e. you put the barriers to entry before anything else. This could be
detrimental, you know.

> This is an experiment. Our hypothesis is that this could help increase the
> quality of new articles and reduce patrollers’ workload, while making the
> process more welcoming at the same time.

What is this hypothesis based on?


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