[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia article on [[Santorum (neologism)]]

Jim Redmond jim at scrubnugget.com
Thu May 26 18:20:11 UTC 2011

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 12:47, George Herbert <george.herbert at gmail.com>wrote:

> We aren't doing anything wrong here.  We could, but the actual
> coverage in the actual article is NPOV and does not show Santorum
> himself in a negative manner, because we show Santorum's reasoned and
> mature response for what it was.

+1.  It's far better for us to report neutrally on the term, describing its
origins, its effects on the Senator's career, et al., than to stick our
collective fingers in our collective ears and pretend that the term doesn't
exist - or worse, to whitewash our content and leave only the happy
nicknames for controversial figures.  This goes for other disparaging
googlebombs or nicknames as well, whether the subject is a politician or not
and whether the subject is alive or not; the encyclopedia is less complete
if we leave out "Slick Willie" or "miserable failure" or (my favorite)
"Attila the Hen".

Jim Redmond

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