[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia article on [[Santorum (neologism)]]

Fred Bauder fredbaud at fairpoint.net
Thu May 26 03:43:22 UTC 2011

> On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Fred Bauder <fredbaud at fairpoint.net>
> wrote:
>>>> Again - I am not Cirt, and I find the article reasonably balanced.
>>> Having an article that associates someone with human waste be
>>> "reasonably
>>> balanced" is like claiming that an article about the Richard Gere
>>> gerbil
>>> rumor (as long as it stated the rumor was false) would be reasonably
>>> balanced.
>>> The association of a living person with shit is inherently unbalanced;
>>> it spreads a negative POV towards that person, no matter how many
>>> disclaimers
>>> we add saying that we don't think he's really like shit.
>> Well said. That's the problem.
>> Fred
> All things considered, it's a societal problem for people to be
> claiming Santorum is human excrement, that women shouldn't have a
> right to own property or vote, that homosexuals should be beaten up or
> killed for being who they are, that blacks (or Latinos, or Asians, or
> Jews, or whoever) are less human than (whites or whomever), or that
> some adults advocate adult/child sexual relations.

None of the examples you cite are living people.


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