[WikiEN-l] BLP extension suggestion

Ken Arromdee arromdee at rahul.net
Fri Jun 3 15:26:44 UTC 2011

On Thu, 2 Jun 2011, Rob wrote:
> I don't think BLP needs this kind of mission creep.  It's important to
> protect Santorum and others from malicious editing and bad sourcing
> and undue weight, but it isn't our job to protect Santorum from Dan
> Savage or the news media or the world.

Santorum is not just being victimized by Dan Savage or the news media or the
world--he's being victimized by *us*.  That makes it our job.  Just because
it's an already existing campaign doesn't mean we have no responsibility
when a search for his name brings up this article as the #3 hit (and #2 if
you only search for his last name).

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