[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia Leadership (was NY Times article on gender gap in Wikipedia contributors} - repost

Fred Bauder fredbaud at fairpoint.net
Tue Feb 1 20:34:12 UTC 2011

> My own simple solution would be to elect a "policy advisory committee"
> *The PAC would only consider policy areas, and only as a last resort,
> where the status-quo did not enjoy evident consensus, but where repeated
> community attempts to resolve the problem had proved futile.
> *The PAC by majority voting would define the issues, call for evidence of
> the problems, and assess the possible reform possibilities (like an
> arbitration, the community free to make submissions).
> *The PAC would vote and either endorse the status-quo or a "preferred
> solution"
> *If a preferred solution emerges, this would go for community
> consultation and then be tweaked by the committee.
> *The final "preferred solution" would then be set against the "status
> quo" in a straight up/down community vote.
> Scott

Promising suggestion


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