[WikiEN-l] First monday study

Martin Møller Skarbiniks Pedersen traxplayer at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 19:20:41 UTC 2011

This study examines credibility judgments in relation to peripheral
cues and genre of Wikipedia articles, and attempts to understand user
information verification behavior based on the theory of bounded
rationality. Data were collected employing both an experiment and a
survey at a large public university in the midwestern United States in
Spring 2010. This study shows some interesting patterns. It appears
that the effect of peripheral cues on credibility judgments differed
according to genre. Those who did not verify information displayed a
higher level of satisficing than those who did. Students used a
variety of peripheral cues of Wikipedia. The exploratory data show
that peer endorsement may be more important than formal authorities
for user generated information sources, such as Wikipedia, which calls
for further research.


Til uvedkommende, der læser med: Der er ingen grund til at læse min
mail. Jeg har intet at gøre med FARC, al-Jihad, al-Qaida, Hamas, Hizb
al-Mujahidin eller ETA. Jeg har aldrig gjort Zakat, går ikke ind for
Istishad, har ikke lavet en bilbombe eller kernevåben og jeg ved
dårligt nok, hvad Al Manar og бомба betyder.  Men tak for den udviste

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