[WikiEN-l] Citizendium charter ratified

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Fri Sep 24 12:49:54 UTC 2010

On 24 September 2010 13:43, Charles Matthews
<charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com> wrote:

> For certain readers, heavy emphasis on "structured data" would exactly
> cover what they want: the world in an infobox. Of course many of said
> readers may be machines, and not signed up to PayPal.  Readers' charter
> versus writers' charter? The things that WP actually has do sound more
> like the readers' charter: massive updates, articles that may be little
> more than "watch this space" but are at least there, hypertext surfing
> as a given of design (underestimated by people who assume articles are
> read through if at all). "Structured data" does little or nothing for
> writers' job satisfaction.

Yes, but we have *way* more stamp collectors than we do good writers.
(Hence the awful Wikipedia house style.) Filling out one's data
collection is *fun*.

- d.

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