[WikiEN-l] declining numbers of EN wiki admins - The theory that making it easier to get rid of admins is a solution to the decline in their active numbers

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Mon May 31 15:19:11 UTC 2010

David Gerard wrote:
> On 31 May 2010 13:42, Marc Riddell <michaeldavid86 at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Yes. And thank you, Charles. Once again this points out the fact that, with
>> the Foundation, we are dealing with a group of persons who don't have a clue
>> how to deal with people who they see as being out of their universe-of-one.
>> In fact, they appear to regard the Wikipedia Community as a necessary evil.
> I urge you to go back and actually read the discussion, and you will
> see that you are the only person to mention the Foundation and we're
> actually talking about the Wikipedia community here. Then you will be
> less likely to post responses that look like keyword-triggered
> cut'n'paste.
Actually, the Wikipedia community is in a sense a "necessary evil". 
Without it, WP would be just another underpowered, well-meaning website. 
With it, people who are not natural collaborators work together 
effectively, if not without friction.

But the reply I made was contra being painted into a corner (singular 
issue), and in favour of an analysis of the actual problem. I see 
[[Blind men and an elephant]] is an article. I won't go further in 
Marc's direction than saying that our discussions can seem sometimes 
like a post-mortem to that parable, with everyone saying, "you know, I 
still think I was right along". But the remedies - for a bigger picture 
- have the disadvantages of requiring a great deal of investment of 
time. I believe I have tried a number of those, without yet getting a 
complete view of the elephant.


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