[WikiEN-l] [Foundation-l] Renaming "Flagged Protections"

Andrew Gray andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk
Tue May 25 19:06:23 UTC 2010

On 25 May 2010 19:50, stevertigo <stvrtg at gmail.com> wrote:
> Erik Zachte <erikzachte at infodisiac.com> wrote:
>> Revision Review (or any similar term) clearly signals this is a human
>> process, which IMHO gets it 80% right already.
> Review of a "revision cue" or "edit cue" works. You are right, as both
> words "Flagged" and "Protections" convey an autocratic sense.

Something involving "queued" is certainly an interesting idea - the
main problem with it is that it implies a first-in-first-out system,
but I don't think anyone would be too outraged when they realise it
(mostly) isn't one.

"This edit is queued and awaiting approval".

On the other hand, neither "revision queue", "queued revisions" or the
same for "edit" really sound right.

- Andrew Gray
  andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

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