[WikiEN-l] Updated new search interface on the prototype

Naoko Komura nkomura at wikimedia.org
Fri May 21 23:12:55 UTC 2010

Naoko Komura wrote:
> Amir E. Aharoni wrote:
>> On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 04:15, Naoko Komura <nkomura at wikimedia.org> wrote:
>>> We have updated the new search interface to address the issues above and
>>> it is currently staged on the the prototype [1]. This update addresses
>>> the reported issues such as truncation of search queries [2] and the
>>> search suggestions are cut-off [3]. Prototypes in various languages are
>>> also available here[4].
>> Thanks.
>> If it won't take too much time, could you please set up a prototype in
>> Hebrew, to test RTL issues? I tried Arabic and it seems OK, but there
>> are a couple of features that are unique to Hebrew.
> Sure thing.
> - Naoko

Here's the prototype in Hebrew. 


Thanks to Ryan Lane for prompt prototype building. :-) 

Looking forward to hearing the language specific feedback and areas to 


- Naoko

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