[WikiEN-l] Flagged Protection update for May 20

William Pietri william at scissor.com
Fri May 21 06:13:30 UTC 2010

As requested, here's the weekly Flagged Protection update.

The quick summary is that we are continuing with pre-rollout activities, 
including UI polish, text and naming cleanup, and rollout planning.

One important milestone passed is that Tim Starling has looked over the 
code and done some profiling and given it his blessing from a 
performance perspective. He and the rest of the ops folks feel like the 
production gear is also in good shape for rolling this out. However, to 
prevent unpleasant launch surprises we've put in a configurable limit to 
the number of pages protected with this. We'll start out at a limit of 
2000 and bump it up based on actual production performance.

We believe we are technically ready to try out a labs version of the 
German config, just to double-check that our recent work will cause them 
no headaches. However, we need some German-speaker at least hazily 
familiar with FlaggedRevs to prepare the main page and help us with a 
call for testers. Any assistance there would be appreciated!

Speaking of assistance, we always welcome people trying out the 
extension before it goes live. You can do that here:


To see what we've changed this week, there's a list here:


To see the upcoming work, it's listed in our tracker, under Current and 


We expect to release to labs again next week, and each week thereafter 
until this goes live on the English Wikipedia.


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