[WikiEN-l] Reliable sources— some of these babies are ugly

stevertigo stvrtg at gmail.com
Sun May 16 03:54:51 UTC 2010

Risker <risker.wp at gmail.com> wrote:

> It's time to recognise that anyone,
> including reporters, can read those mailing lists; one doesn't even have to
> subscribe for some of them, I believe.  So it is advisable that people think
> carefully about what they are saying, and to be aware that the audience is
> not limited to people who are active participants in the various
> communities.

Unless something has changed around here since 2005, we are not a
closed community. Also we should regard anyone's participation on
these forums as a part of our open mission to assist people around the
world write informative articles about the things they know.

It is also natural that we should want employees of the most
misinformed institutions, FoxNews being among them, to make use of our
materials to better inform themselves.


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