[WikiEN-l] The New Look

AGK wikiagk at googlemail.com
Thu May 13 11:38:56 UTC 2010

> Cameron and Clegg have got to WP already? No, I must be confused, but
> the "new look" has arrived on our pages.

I don't really like it either. But whilst from an editor's point of
view the skin is less suitable than monobook (or even modern), I think
our readers will enjoy the new layout. The redesign seemed to be
well-received in any publications that gave a preview of the proposed


But although it's too early for the mainstream media to have covered
the redesign, what reception the blogosphere has given it seems to be
generally negative. (Google 'wikipedia new design' and take a look at
the blog posts and comments. But take the comments with a pinch of
salt; typically, only those with some kind of axe to grind will
comment on a blog post.)

> My first reaction is that the watchlist arrangements are cryptic. (I was
> always going to hate having to scroll to the top for the search box.)

I prefer the old location for the search box, yes. But I think that's
because I'm _used_ to it being on the left. I think the usability team
gave a rationale at one point for the new box location, and I seem to
recall it being quite a sound one.

I don't know what you mean to say about the watchlist arrangements.
Are you referring to the little star in place of a 'watch' tab?


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