[WikiEN-l] Community ready for Pending Changes (nee Flagged Protection)?

Kwan Ting Chan ktc at ktchan.info
Sat Jun 12 21:04:59 UTC 2010

On 12/06/2010 18:13, William Pietri wrote:
> Just for the sake of understanding better for next time, would people
> have preferred that we launched later?
> We gave a date as soon as we were reasonably confident that we could hit
> a date for the minimum feature set, based on the theory that people
> wanted this ASAP. But naturally, we could have announced a later date.
> If in the future the community would like X weeks of cushion to prepare
> for a feature change, I think that's a very reasonable thing to ask for.
> The time wouldn't be wasted; there's plenty of good stuff left to do.
> William

Personally, just launch the damn thing already!


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     - Heinrich Heine

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