[WikiEN-l] Community ready for Pending Changes (nee Flagged Protection)?

Cenarium sysop cenarium.sysop at gmail.com
Sat Jun 12 20:27:40 UTC 2010

As I'm actively involved in the preparation of the trial, I assure 10 days
is short. Most people don't get involved until a launch date is fixed,
especially in this situation where we had to wait for a year with nothing
coming so people just waited for something consistent to get involved. And
now we need to quickly find consensus on remaining policy issues, write
documentation, etc. So I wouldn't have preferred that it be launched later,
because we've waited enough, but that the launch date be given at least 3
weeks in advance.

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 10:04 PM, Amory Meltzer <amorymeltzer at gmail.com>wrote:

> There was always going to be a bit of Damned if you do, Damned if you
> don't; It's just unavoidable in a community this large.
> ~A
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