[WikiEN-l] Pending Changes (nee Flagged Protection) update for June 10

William Pietri william at scissor.com
Thu Jun 10 23:58:29 UTC 2010

As requested, here's the weekly Pending Changes update.

We proceed boldly toward launch. The main update is that we have pushed 
the English Wikipedia launch back one day to Tuesday, June 15. That will 
let us avoid stepping on the WP Academy Israel event, and it means Jimmy 
Wales will be available to talk to the press, which in turn will yield a 
better public understanding of Pending Changes.

However, we will still be rolling the new FlaggedRevs code into 
production on Monday, June 14th (circa 4 pm Pacific, or 23:00 GMT). We 
hope that this, aside from some minor UI improvements, will pass 
unnoticed on the project currently using FlaggedRevs. If there are bugs, 
we look forward to hearing about them via the usual channels, including 
#wikimedia-tech [1]. Minor bugs will be fixed in place; any major issues 
will result in a quick rollback to the existing code.

More prosaically, we had a number of bits of work verified complete this 
week, including a number of little bugs. Our thanks to the German 
community for their diligent testing of a labs instance of the German 

If you'd like once last chance to see what's coming, try the latest code 
updates on our labs site:


To see the upcoming work, it's listed in our tracker, under Current and 



[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC/Channels

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