[WikiEN-l] One-sentence explanation of pending changes

William Pietri william at scissor.com
Tue Jun 8 21:10:19 UTC 2010

On 06/08/2010 01:34 PM, Andrew Gray wrote:
> No, I'm just wondering how quickly our 2,000 is going to get used up
> with people playing with userpages ;-)
> Restricting it to mainspace while we get used to it is probably a
> sensible idea. I take it there'll be a central indicator somewhere of
> which pages (and how many) are protected, so we don't have to discover
> the limit by accident?

Heh. Excellent question. You can see an example of the stats here:


The number you're looking for is "Using 'pending changes'".

You can also see a list of pages here:


It is my hope that we'll keep ahead of any normal use by raising the 
limit as we see the system performing well under load.


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