[WikiEN-l] declining numbers of EN wiki admins

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Thu Jun 3 12:37:10 UTC 2010

On Tue, 01 Jun 2010 10:18:03 -0400, Abd wrote:

> Durova's history is a classic example. She was hounded by a screaming 
> mob when she made a mistake, even though she recognized the error and 
> undid it within an hour. 

I might well be counted as part of that "screaming mob" since I was 
one of the critics at the time, but my intended target was never 
Durova personally (who is now a Facebook friend of mine), but the 
entire system and its associated mindsets, in which a group of 
"insiders", with closed mailing lists of their own, takes on a 
"circling the wagons" mentality against "trolls and harassers", 
leading to snap judgments that can get people blocked or banned for 
saying politically incorrect things.

I had some comments on that situation in my essay I wrote as a 
rebuttal to one of JzG's essays:


== Dan ==
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