[WikiEN-l] declining numbers of EN wiki admins - The theory that making it easier to get rid of admins is a solution to the decline in their active numbers

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax abd at lomaxdesign.com
Tue Jun 1 17:51:58 UTC 2010

At 09:57 AM 6/1/2010, Risker wrote:
>Procedural note to moderators:  Perhaps it is time to consider a length
>limit on posting?

There is a 20K limit. That's lower than usual, my experience. I think 
it's silly, since it is easier to ignore one 30K post than to ignore 
two 15 K posts. But, hey, I have well over twenty years experience 
with this, and there will always be people who want others to 
self-censor so they don't have to bother. Nobody is obligated to read 
any post (except *maybe* a moderator, and that can be reserved for complaints.) 

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