[WikiEN-l] declining numbers of EN wiki admins - The theory that making it easier to get rid of admins is a solution to the decline in their active numbers

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen cimonavaro at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 14:45:33 UTC 2010

Risker wrote:
> Procedural note to moderators:  Perhaps it is time to consider a length
> limit on posting?
While I understand where you are coming from, it bears noting
that some people would like a limit of length both on the short
and the long side, and you would in the eyes of some, fail on the
short side of the limit -- as I do often too, not being too particular
either way. Not passing judgement long or short, but just
noting that both are annoying, even I admit to have rarely done

...And I suspect I will do both again. Do note that the current
person in charge of the staff serving the foundation, very specifically
commended a very long post by Gregory Maxwell that in her view
nicely summarised the situation on commons -- albeit that post was
at the foundation-l.

I don't actually agree with Sue on that particular summary being
all that insightful. (Sorry Greg!) But a lengthy summary did in
fact please Sue in that particular instance. So making the moderators
bar posts like the one by Greg, I think serves no one.


Jussi-Ville Heiskanen

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