[WikiEN-l] for years been promoting admins who go with the flow rather than challenge low level bad behavior by admins and long standing users

FT2 ft2.wiki at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 00:20:06 UTC 2010

I should say, the fact we are willing to discuss not assume is fine.
Obviosuly the harm and upset arising is not.

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 1:18 AM, FT2 <ft2.wiki at gmail.com> wrote:

> The second problem beyond that is the problem of "fiddling while Rome
> burns". While we potter round discussing if, perhaps, such and such an
> incident was uncivil or BITEy, and whether anyone feels consensus exists to
> act, the user affected may be discouraged and leave. That's fine, we want to
> go careful and not be over extreme. Again we count on users to act to a high
> standard and enact the norms of the community. if they do - and the norms
> are pretty uncontroversial - then these issues would largely be resolved by
> the involved person themself.
> Given that the community has fairly stable long term and universal norms
> (although the detail and edge cases are very uncertain) what we need is
> admins who at least agree and follow those norms or try to, to a high
> standard. This would mean taking care in grey cases to avoid risk of upset
> even if it's an "edge case"... take care to be visibly fair and neutral even
> if they could argue they aren't involved, take care to explain and apologize
> if needed rather than assume or act rough.
> This is what I mean by needing users to have the right basic attitude. the
> rest then overlays that.

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