[WikiEN-l] Mediation Cabal is recruiting

Anthony Simone asimone001.enwiki at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 09:09:46 UTC 2010

Hello, all.

I've just been named a Coordinator of the Mediation Cabal, and one of my 
first tasks is to drum up some new recruits. I was hoping there might be 
a few brave souls on the mailinglist who are willing to help resolve 
disputes with us. There's nothing that you need to do to apply for 
membership (indeed, we don't even have a list of cabalists) and there is 
no vetting procedure. We're also nor process wonks; each mediator has 
his or her own style, and that's fine. Nearly anyone can accept a case 
and just start doing it.

Mediation, especially informal mediation, isn't always easy. It can. 
however, be very rewarding when you help resolve a content dispute that 
had been plaguing an article for months (or even years).

What I would like to do eventually is have multiple mediators working on 
a case (Medcab actually started out as a sort of swarm that traveled 
around helping where needed). However, in order to do that, we need to 
have enough mediators to go around. We need a few good men (or women, or 
other) to help us out.

The Wordsmith

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