[WikiEN-l] Grey crossed out links in edit history (or: did I miss another software update?)

Rob gamaliel8 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 18:21:20 UTC 2010

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:15 PM, Risker <risker.wp at gmail.com> wrote:

> As an oversighter, I can review these edits, and I can tell you that, while
> some may consider it simple vandalism, the edits contained potentially
> libelous information about a person or persons that is unsuitable for public
> consumption.  The suppressions met the criteria for removal from view to
> everyone, including administrators.

For the record, I don't object to the removal of these edits, either
in principle or in this particular practice.  I don't recall anything
extraordinarily problematic, but without the ability to review said
edits, my memory isn't enough to base any sort of objection upon.

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