[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia is not a dictionary (was: Re: Old Wikipedia backups discovered)

David Levy lifeisunfair at gmail.com
Wed Dec 29 00:42:12 UTC 2010

Ian Woollard wrote:

> But right now the WMF doesn't have an encyclopedic dictionary, so if
> we put those articles in the Wikipedia, and labelled them, and gave
> them their own policies, then the people that want to write them will
> be happy, and the people that want to read them won't learn much if
> any encyclopedic information, but at least they'll know what they're
> getting, whereas right now the Wikipedia is implying that they're
> getting encyclopedic stuff, which they really aren't.

Your opinion of what constitutes "encyclopedic stuff" differs from
that of the English Wikipedia community at large.

David Levy

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