[WikiEN-l] Cubans start online encyclopedia

Javier Bassi javierbassi at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 03:42:17 UTC 2010

Just I tried to create an account. Emails from @gmail.com , hotmail
and yahoo are all blocked. I think only emails from some domians from
Cuba are allowed have an account. (and you need an account to edit).
The site allows to create an account with a @hlg.jovenclub.cu email.
Of course I can't confirm the link since I don't have that email.

The lead from United States article its almost a joke.

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 11:49 PM, Keith Old <keithold at gmail.com> wrote:
> G'day folks,
> Reuters reports that Cuba has started its own online encyclopedia.
> http://ca.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idCATRE6BD02E20101214?sp=true
> Cuba has begun its own online encyclopedia, similar to Wikipedia, with the
> goal of presenting its version of the world and history.
> It describes its longtime ideological enemy, the United States, as "the
> empire of our time" and "the most powerful nation of all time."
> EcuRed (www.ecured.cu) will be launched officially on Tuesday, but it was
> already up and running on Monday, with 19,345 entries.
> It was developed "to create and disseminate the knowledge of all and for
> all, from Cuba and with the world," the site said.
> Users supposedly will be able to update entries with prior approval from
> EcuRed administrators.
> "Its philosophy is the accumulation and development of knowledge, with a
> democratizing, not profitable, objective, from a decolonizer point of view,"
> the site said.
> (More in story)
> Regards
> *Keith Old
> *
> --
> Keith Old
> 62050121 (w)
> 62825360 (h)
> 0429478376 (m)
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