[WikiEN-l] Fwd: [Wiki-research-l] Most reverted pages in the en-wikipedia (enwiki-20100130 dump)

phoebe ayers phoebe.wiki at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 19:58:48 UTC 2010

This might be of interest to folks here :) Some of these are to be
expected, some are pretty interesting/surprising (Henri Matisse?)

-- Phoebe

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dmitry Chichkov <dchichkov at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 1:12 PM
Subject: [Wiki-research-l] Most reverted pages in the en-wikipedia
(enwiki-20100130 dump)
To: wiki-research-l at lists.wikimedia.org

If anybody is interested, I've made a list of 'most reverted pages' in
the english wikipedia based on the analysis of the enwiki-20100130
dump. Here is the list:

This list was calculated using the following sampling criteria:
* All pages from the enwiki-20100130 dump;
** Filtered pages with more than 1000 revisions;
** Filtered pages with revert ratios > 0.3;
* Sorted in descending revert ratios.

Page revision is considered to be a revert if there is a previous
revision with a matching MD5 checksum;
BTW, if anybody needs it, the python code that identifies reverts,
revert wars, self-reverts, etc is available (LGPL).

-- Regards, Dmitry

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