[WikiEN-l] Citizendium dead?

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 11:11:42 UTC 2010

On 17 April 2010 12:02, Stephen Bain <stephen.bain at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 8:24 PM, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com> wrote:
>> One very interesting Citizendium statistic is the median article
>> length in words. It has been reducing by about 6 words a month for
>> years. I think that means most of the new articles being created are
>> stubs, or not much more than stubs, and nobody is working on expanding
>> existing articles. I feign no hypotheses for why this might be. I
>> don't have comparable statistics for Wikipedia, so for all I know we
>> are doing the same thing (although that seems unlikely now that
>> article creation has reduced).
> At Eric Zachte's stats page there are a number of relevant stats measured.

The stats are up-to-date! When did that happen? They were still only
up to 2006 for many last time I looked. I know we finally got a full
dump, but I didn't know it had been run through the stats analyser
thing. Now I have to spend hours looking at all the statistics! :)

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