[WikiEN-l] Wikimedian image restorations exploited on eBay

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 19:14:00 UTC 2009

2009/9/22 Durova <nadezhda.durova at gmail.com>:

> Am wrapping up a Google Document on another topic and planning a draft
> outline right now.  We all have our strengths and our weaknesses;
> multitasking isn't one of mine.  David's posts really looked like a bizarre
> attempt to bait me into a flame war just as the thread had reached its
> natural end.  As in: 'No no, you can't walk away.  You started this thread
> and I don't like what I think I understand and I'm angry at you about
> that.'  Yes, David: I can walk away.  It's the right decision because this
> has proven itself to be the wrong venue.

No, I wanted to understand your claims as in any way sensible and
without your personal attack on people asking what on earth you meant.
Of course, this led to personal attacks on me. I suppose I should have
seen that coming, but I lived in hope.

As I said: if you're attempting to convince people who don't already
agree with you, you're not going to manage it with the approach you
took here. Worst case, you'll convince them your case is dead wrong
even in the bits it isn't. Though I no longer think merely saying this
will change the behaviour in question.

- d.

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