[WikiEN-l] Googley comments

FT2 ft2.wiki at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 13:47:33 UTC 2009

How something's framed can shape how it's used.

I would never have a "comment on this article" page, it's pointless and a
monitoring nightmare. We'd get arguments and dramas, then we'd be expected
to clean them up, BLP and negative material and accused of "sheltering" one
side when we purge them... you name it. We don't need that.

What I would think more likely to succeed? A "Help us improve" tab, not a
"comment" tab

Specifically with a header and edit notice "If you can see a way to improve
this article, or better more up to date information, let us know!"

I also might consider trialling a button that said "If you notice an error,
omission, outdated facts, or any other ways we can improve this article,
'''[[TALK PAGE|click here]]''' and let us know!"


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