[WikiEN-l] Accepting the challenge to create a new article as a newbie and see if it lasts 2 minutes - or 7 days

WereSpielChequers werespielchequers at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 8 20:55:48 UTC 2009

Apologies for reviving a thread from three weeks ago. But the idea
that we had degenerated into a newbie biting place where one could
"challenge a newbie to create an article on Wikipedia and have that
article exist for an entire week. Guaranteed, your article will be
marked for “speedy deletion” within about two minutes of its
creation." bugged me, so I thought I'd unscientifically test it.

I made a suggestion at

Nobody including myself knows how many articles have so far been
created as part of the test, and yes one has already been deleted
under the novel speedy deletion criteria of "the wikilinks did not
have the proper markup".

But there are at least two other articles that have survived more than 24 hours.

Anyone else who is interested in following the test is welcome to
watch http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:WereSpielChequers/Newbie_treatment

Two articles at least should be unveiled in the next few days.


> On Friday, September 18, 2009, Sage Ross <ragesoss+wikipedia at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This isn't a new issue by any means, but here's a nice post by someone
>> who's been contributing occasionally since 2004, about how daunting
>> "wikibullying" can be for newbies and other editors who aren't
>> well-versed in the procedures and processes.
>> http://travel-industry.uptake.com/blog/2009/09/04/bullypedia-a-wikipedian-whos-tired-of-getting-beat-up/
>> Unfriendliness is built into the system, even when admins and others
>> who enforce the rules are perfectly civil and try to be friendly at an
>> individual level.
>> -Sage

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