[WikiEN-l] BBC blog on WSJ study

geni geniice at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 22:25:33 UTC 2009

2009/11/27 Bod Notbod <bodnotbod at gmail.com>:
> If there were a body of wiki-journalists going out, willing to give
> their work for free then we could have proper wiki-reporting.
> As things stand, we nick stuff, refactor it, and lay it down.
> Again, as a reader, Wikimedia projects are my go-to place. But I'm yet
> to hear that we can justify some of the stuff that goes on.

We add background information and context from wider sources than
newspapers. It's also somewhat questionable how much of a dent we make
in traffic for day to day news. Sure we take a decent percentage of
the traffic for the really big stories (2008 Mumbai attacks, Michael
Jackson's death, the new pope) but not so much for day to day news.


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