[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia fundraising slogans from identi.ca and Twitter

Marc Riddell michaeldavid86 at comcast.net
Sun Nov 15 01:06:10 UTC 2009

on 11/14/09 7:28 PM, Ryan Delaney at ryan.delaney at gmail.com wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Marc Riddell
> <michaeldavid86 at comcast.net>wrote:
>>>>> everywhere we can.
>> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 6:44 AM, Steve Bennett <stevagewp at gmail.com>
>>>> Ew. Is that really what advertising and marketing have been reduced
>>>> to? Spew out whatever random text as long as it gets the $$$? Please
>>>> let us have some self-respect.
>>>> Steve
>>>> on 11/14/09 6:54 PM, Ryan Delaney at ryan.delaney at gmail.com wrote:
>>> I think self-respect is a luxury for us folks who don't have to worry
>> about
>>> meeting fundraising goals. All those servers and all that bandwidth isn't
>>> free. These ads were bad, but they're improving. I think we ought to be
>>> willing to accept some fundraising once a year if we can keep it in mind
>>> that these fundraising drives keep corporate advertizing off Wikipedia.
>> That
>>> alone ought to put this in perspective.
>>> - causa sui
>> Self-respect is a luxury!?! - some commodity to put a price on!?!. A
>> person's attitude toward his self-respect is clearly reflected in how he
>> presents himself.
> I'll be right behind you when you start the socialist revolution
> (seriously), but I don't think Wikipedia will be the starting point.
Ryan, your confusing socialism with individualism - they're not in the same
universe. Some of the most effective teams I have seen working together are
made up of individuals with self-respect, and the ability to respect
another. And, yes, there are examples of this working behind the scenes on
the guts of this Project - the Encyclopedia - at this very moment. That's
the public face this Project needs to emphasize in its public outreach.


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