Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Fri Nov 13 09:40:50 UTC 2009

Brian J Mingus wrote:
> I believe the banner will be judged, not based on the almost 
> universally bad
> impressions of it that I have seen from Wikipedians, but based on how much
> money it makes. I don't think it's surprising that the banner rubs many
> Wikipedians the wrong way. It was created by a PR agency with the express
> purpose of raking in as much cash as possible. It's supposed to hit all the
> right chords of the hundreds of millions of visitors that will see it, of
> whom we long time Wikipedians are a miniscule fraction.
It takes a bit of mental effort to see the difference of the demographic 
of Wikipedians and Wikipedia readers as a big plus, but there it is. 
Wikipedia went mainstream a couple of years ago, and it was part of the 
mission that this should happen. Clearly a competent PR person tasked 
with this job is going to take the line you suggest. I'm not aware of 
fundraising and its methods being a big issue in board elections, but 
I'm no expert.


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