[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia fundraising slogans from identi.ca and Twitter

William Pietri william at scissor.com
Sun Nov 8 19:26:25 UTC 2009

Isabell Long wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 08, 2009 at 06:13:14PM +0000, David Gerard wrote:
>> http://identi.ca/tag/wikipediafundraisingslogans
>> http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23wikipediafundraisingslogans
> Some of those are very funny and inventive, though I don't think the majority of them would really work to be honest, especially not yours David, I'm sorry to say.  :P

You never know. If some of the slogans are cheekily engaging, some would 
like that. And even if they don't drive donations on their own, they may 
reduce ad blindness and so raise the effectiveness of the campaign.

People are doing some interesting work with auto-optimized ad runs that 
we could look at adapting for next year. Given our massive amounts of 
traffic, we could accept a pretty broad range of slogans, and let the 
system sort out which are the most effective combinations. Money aside, 
there's something appealing about maximizing community involvement 
everywhere we can.


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