[WikiEN-l] deletionism in popular culture

Surreptitiousness surreptitious.wikipedian at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 6 13:02:49 UTC 2009

Ryan Delaney wrote:
> imes, as with fast-developing current events, there are eyewitness
> accounts that get added to the article before they appear in printed news
> sources. In these cases, it's better to remove the content and wait for the
> verifiable source. Pure Wiki Deletion allows us to do that easily -- we can
> blank the page, and then restore it when citations become available.
Pure wiki deletion would need a culture shift though, wouldn't it?  I 
mean, you'd have to get that bot turned off which reverts page blanking, 
for starters. But I'd definitely be willing to give it a go.

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