[WikiEN-l] deletionism in popular culture

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Thu Nov 5 01:18:50 UTC 2009

On Wed, 4 Nov 2009 16:48:53 +0000, Carcharoth wrote:

> Some people think junk isn't junk. Or rather, one's person's junk is
> another person's treasure. Not that obscure articles that can be
> rescued are really treasure, but you get the point.

Yes... case in point, when you do a New York Times archive search for 
"comic books" in the range 1851-1980, you turn up this article from 

NORWICH, Conn., Feb. 26 (UP) -- The American Legion Auxiliary carried 
out a "very successful" two-hour drive today to rid the city of 
objectionable comic books...

and right next to it, this one from 1972:

Yale Students Feast on Rare Comic Books Under Glass 
NEW HAVEN, May 12 -- The display of an extensive collection of comic 
books from the nineteen-thirties through the fifties has unexpectedly 
proved to be the most popular exhibition within recent memory at Yale 

(Other articles on the first page of results vary from ones 
describing comic-book burnings in the 1940s and 1950s to ones 
describing comic book conventions and the escalating value of rare 
comics in the 1960s and 1970s.)

== Dan ==
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