[WikiEN-l] Intellipedia

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Wed May 27 11:12:40 UTC 2009

Ray Saintonge wrote:
> Fred Bauder wrote:
>> Why Wikipedia and Intellipedia (CIA's version of Wikipedia) can add Value
>> for Information Users
>> http://www.birdsonginfo.com/blog/2009/05/in-addition-to-analysis-we-need-people-who-can-create-an--ecosystem-of-knowledge-that-is-not-specifically-about-answering.html
>> Fred Bauder
> I've always had an eye for Freudian typos. Thus: "Prion to Intellipedia 
> the analytical report was the primary method for combining information 
> and intelligence."  Analytical reports are thus the infectious 
> proteinaceous bits that leave the intelligence community susceptible to 
> mad-cow disease.
The CIA guy talking about Intellipedia at Wikimania 2008 had a less 
dramatic, more credible kind of example of how the wiki editing 
"churned": some editor would grab text off some intranet web page, only 
to be told "you shouldn't have done that, we were going to update it but 
hadn't got round to it yet". I certainly find the wikifying/copy editing 
phase of adapting old text to place in WP the most stringent form of 
critical fact-checking I do. But for Intellipedia what seems to go on is 
that they build articles that are still for background, and link to live 
WP pages also (rather than importing), so forming a layer between us and 
the actual hard intelligence.


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