[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia:Advertising discussions

Jay Litwyn brewhaha at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Thu May 21 12:52:53 UTC 2009

  Discussions affecting the whole community
  a.. Wikipedia:Centralized discussion for centralized discussion of policy, 
guideline, and infrastructure changes
That is noise. This is the centralized discussion forum. It can handle more 
traffic. It's all threaded, attributed, dated, archived, and multi-cast. You 
can't even do that last one with a web page, unless everyone polls it, and 
most people do not know how to make a browser do that. The first avenue for 
sujjesting that something be deleted is the user who posted it. Discussion 
of policy and guidelines belongs primarily *and not exclusively* on the talk 
pages of the policy or guidelines, because you cannot lock both a talk page 
and a mainspace page, even if I hav seen administrators trying to do that.

Infrastructure? A few hundred newsgroups on are on this server dedicated to 
Assuming that any discussion forum is central, this is it. More people hav 
seen it.
More people here are equipped to argue with it. 

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