[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia isn't just a good idea - it's compulsory

WJhonson at aol.com WJhonson at aol.com
Wed Mar 25 23:07:00 UTC 2009

In a message dated 3/25/2009 2:59:55 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
thomas.dalton at gmail.com writes:

> What I meant was that one would
> expect people to be thoroughly in support of a charity dedicated to
> fighting child pornography so the fact that there was such outspoken
> criticism shows how big a mistake blocking Wikipedia was.

But by saying it in this fashion you are mixing two arguments into one.

People *are* thoroughly in support of them.
But people *are also* thoroughly against unjust censorship.
It wasn't because they blocked Wikipedia.  It was because they excercised 
utterly outrageous censorship powers.

And to this day, they really haven't learned anything except not to block 
Wikipedia.  They will most likely happily block other sites, without recourse, 
without openness, and without any attempt at fairness.  Wikipedia just happens 
to have people monitoring it who can *do* something about these actions.  Not 
every site owner does.

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