[WikiEN-l] Poetry thread

orngjce223 . purple.clouder at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 04:00:46 UTC 2009

Hi -

(I am second-guessing myself because for some odd reason I have something to
offer to the world's arbiters of information.  But I do.)

I'm a mod on a little tiny forum out in the middle of nowhere that is
invite-only, and I too got sucked into a poetry duel for some odd reason.  I
managed to make the poetry duel between myself and the resident nihilist (I
avoid pessimism because of previous psychological... stuff).  It spiraled
off through all sorts of odd concepts and, eventually, by misunderstanding,
he did the equivalent of slapping me in the face.  It takes a good deal of
tact to stop things from there (the site admin had to step in and
everything!), and I even had to avoid the site for a while until things
calmed down enough for me to approach without explosions.

Anyway, the moral of the story is that it's still a really good idea to AGF
in any environment, whether it be animal, mineral, listserv, or Wikipedia.


~orngjce223 | how am I typing?

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