[WikiEN-l] Poetry thread

Durova nadezhda.durova at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 19:59:11 UTC 2009

Wow, hadn't realized this gave offense.  It was simply a commentary on
doggerel and toilet humor.  No intention to belittle, and apologies for
having inadvertently ruffled any feathers.


On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 12:43 PM, stevertigo <stvrtg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Durova, perhaps taking some cue from Gwern, wrote some poetically
> critical and even ugly things above. But while Gwern mostly attacked
> the concept of poetry on wikien-l (oh-so-cleverly I might add), Durova
> appeared to have made it personal, and, for lack of a better word,
> ugly. I don't quite understand how a silly or even stupid poem like
> the one I posted might deserve such a response, but I have given it
> some thought and broken it down a little.
> I was motivated to write this by three things 1) personal hate attacks
> and the concepts behind them need to be destroyed, 2) I needed to
> address it in order to move on to other list contributions (I've been
> away so long; I had forgotten we had jerks on this list) and 3)
> correcting Durova's own personal misconceptions, which firstly appears
> to be that she can personally attack someone, without real cause even,
> and she would receive respect, love, and even grace for it. And
> secondly, that she can attempt to destroy someone personally and not
> meet certain undeniable correction.
> The dominant theories are:
> 1) Durova and Gwern were motivated to make the point that poetry (even
> bad poetry like mine) is altogether unwelcome on wikien. Attempting to
> sound ironic, but sounding rather more unpleasant, they used poetry
> itself to make their point. An insipid point, to be sure; even moreso
> than my pointless, harmless, poem and the posting thereof. 2) Durova
> (less so Gwern) appeared to have and express some animosity toward me
> personally. I don't know quite why; I can't remember even having said
> a word to her personally, on any matter at all.
> 3) It also occurs to me that certain people might mismanage certain
> concepts: Someone without sufficient self-conceptual distance between
> their head and their glutes might so misinterpret a harmless everyday
> concept like "poo" and feel entirely soiled by it. The solution is not
> to get personally uglier and uglier; lashing out at the very concept
> as it were; but to simply use personal force of mind to create some
> distance between the two bodily concepts in question.
> All is now forgiven. We disembodied online beings can now go and do
> other and maybe better things. With all apologies.. for the poetry.
> -SV
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