[WikiEN-l] Interview

dhruv bhalla dhruvbhalla at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 19:47:36 UTC 2009

I'm sorry for causing such a stir. Let me reiterate: The reason for
conducting the interview is because I would like the opinion of any
regular contributor/reader, on what he or she feels are the major
issues ( those on the lines of reliability etc.) facing Wikipedia
today. As this piece work requires me to address these issues and
propose logical solutions ( to the best of my ability) I choose to use
this forum to gain a knowledgeable perspective on how to combat these
issues. The 'trivial' questions in the interview were only to help me
establish trends in my analysis.
As before any help would be appreciated

2009/3/11 philippe <philippe.wiki at gmail.com>:
> On Mar 10, 2009, at 2:30 PM, KillerChihuahua wrote:
>> Unlikely. If he's not English as a primary language, why would he
>> email
>> the EN mailing list?
> 'cuz it's got the most readers?  I'm just guessin' on that....
> ___________________
> philippe
> philippe.wiki at gmail.com
> [[en:User:Philippe]]
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