[WikiEN-l] A proposal to de-table Wikipedia infoboxes

Mathias Schindler mathias.schindler at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 11:21:01 UTC 2009

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Håkon Wium Lie <howcome at opera.com> wrote:
> Andrew Gray wrote:

> However, I also think the web should not be hostage to IE6/IE7
> forever. Some designers have declared war on IE6 for this reason:
>  http://blog.wired.com/business/2009/02/norwegian-websi.html

There has been a debate about this recently at wikitech-l:


And I think I remember that there were proposals earlier to add at
least a infobox on wikipedia sites with text like

"It looks like you are using an Microsoft Internet Explorer. You can
get better results when you use a web browser instead, here are some
suggestions [link-ff], [link-op], [link-chr]"

There were many objections to this, including the question how to deal
with browsers that pretend to be the MSIE in order to access pages
that otherwise wouldn't let them visit the page and the omnipresent
neutrality mantra.


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