[WikiEN-l] Dispute resolution mailing list

stevertigo stvrtg at gmail.com
Sun Jun 28 18:17:50 UTC 2009

David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:

> It used to be a place to send unblock requests. These then went to
> unblock-en-l, which is now all but moribund.

Well, there you go.

Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com> wrote:

> wikipedia-l is pretty much dormant. I haven't counted, but I'd guess
> it gets about one thread every couple of months. I hardly thing that
> is an example of a list that works.

Ah, but you aren't abusing logic by ignoring the fact that each language has
its own list anyway are you? My point dealt with the historical usage of
wikipedia-l as the *only mailing list, and by
default/convention/necessity/genius was an international mailing list. It
worked out pretty well, didn't it?


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