[WikiEN-l] Dispute resolution mailing list

AGK wikiagk at googlemail.com
Sat Jun 27 22:51:13 UTC 2009

> You know, it doesn't actually help people to be thoughtful to
> label discussion "bickering" because some comments are negative.

I agree, Charles. "Bicker" was poor word choice on my part. The
comments of everybody have been quite constructive, and I was not my
intention to dismiss anybody's comments (most especially when such a
dismissal would be on the grounds that their comments were not in line
with my school of thought).

I would echo my suggestion (with the exception of "bickering" ;-)) that a
proactive approach is needed to break what seems to be the intractability of
this disagreement. Assessing whether this proposal is successful (i.e.,
whether it becomes a useful tool) would be most effectively undertaken by
actually implementing it and setting it on a trial run.


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