[WikiEN-l] What sparked your interest in Wikipedia? (was Googlethinks Wikipedia is a news source)

Steve Bennett stevagewp at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 15:29:26 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 8:36 PM, Jay
Litwyn<brewhaha at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca> wrote:
> of what I do best and made it easier to read. Then I went meticulously
> through the entire talk page, adding headings where there was a change in
> topic -- and tried to answer everything. Much later, perhaps in 2008, I

Ha, reminds me of how I got rapped over the knuckles for deleting a
talk page. I thought I was being helpful! I saw the talk page, all the
discussion looked old and no longer relevant, so I thought I'd clear
it out for them. Heh.


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