[WikiEN-l] Ramifications to wikipedians of unmasking of police blogger?

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 14:03:56 UTC 2009

2009/6/16 AGK <wikiagk at googlemail.com>:

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/8103132.stm
> One wonders what ramifications the High Court's decision in the "Night Jack"
> case has for UK wikipedians. Should we approach pseudonymous editing with a
> different perspective, now that the court has confirmed itself as unwilling
> to uphold the anonymity of online contributors?

It's complicated. In this case, the Times worked out his identity and
the court said they couldn't be stopped from saying it, considering
the guy was a public commenter on matters of legitimate public
interest. Their "woohoo fuck you" article:


That it's Justice Eady gives sufficient reason to start from the
assumption that it's bad, of course, but the details are trickier. I'm
not quite sure what to think yet.

- d.

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