[WikiEN-l] Google thinks Wikipedia is a news source

Carcharoth carcharothwp at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 15 17:53:00 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 2:08 PM, David Gerard<dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/6/15 Fayssal F. <szvest at gmail.com>:
>> It's been know since the 2005 London bombings attacks that Wikipedia is good
>> when it comes to evolving stories because the Wikipedia article will always
>> be the most complete and concentrated article about a developing event.
> I think our first really famous success in this regard was [[2004
> Indian Ocean earthquake earthquake]]. We even had the QuakeAid scammer
> spamming the page!

<me, with my mouth half-open, glares half-annoyedly at David>

I was about to say... :-)

I always like to say that it was the articles on these two incidents
(the 2004 tsunami and 2005 London bombings) that got me interested in
editing Wikipedia. But then people start to look bored and talk about
other things.

And then I ask what sparked other people's interests in Wikipedia, and
a really long thread results.


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