[WikiEN-l] The London Review of Books on Wikipedia

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Mon Jun 8 18:03:55 UTC 2009

Andrew Gray wrote:
> "Like Boiling a Frog", David Runciman. http://www.lrb.co.uk/v31/n10/runc01_.html
> >From the last issue of the London Review of Books, a long and chewy
> article about Wikipedia; generally positive, though it draws attention
> to the problems of writing quality and "recentism". There's a review
> of Andrew Lih's book buried somewhere in it, too...
"... encyclopedias have been made better by the advent of the internet, 
but newspapers have been made worse: the cumulative impact of the 
readers’ comments that can now be appended online to almost any article 
tends to diminish most forms of human understanding."

Worth reading for that insight alone.


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